Purity Test Profile: Tripping the Rift SadGeezer

You are a Trippin’ Party Person!

Your point score was between 45% and 70%.
Your knowledge of Tripping the Rift is competent thought you believe that this test is rubbish anyway. There are also some other interesting characteristics about your personality that you might like to know about. A detailed breakdown is provided below.

Tripping the Rift SAD GEEZER

Tripping the Rift is almost as good as sex.Although you are not a Tripping the Rift addict, you are aspiring to attain Manic Academic Tripping the Rift Fanatic status.

You believe that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

You have seen most of the Tripping the Rift episodes but you are a little embarrassed at not having seen them from the start. You blame your mother for this oversight.

A friend you fancy came round to visit you recently. They left immediately after you played the MPEG file of Tripping the Rift Episode one.

You don”t have good manners but you do have good reflexes.

You believe that dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.

You believe that inbreeding can only be prevented by banning country music.

If you could play a small part in the show it would be a bedroon scene with Six/Chode

You believe that a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste

You are NOT as completely aware of the story as you like to think, and you regularly misinterpret the story-line. This happens subconsciously and, strangely, this contributes overall to your enjoyment of the show.

Unfortunately, because of this, you do not get on with other Sad Geezers whom you believe are Tripping the Rift Twerps.

You do not like to admit this, but you will argue for hours on insignificant details of the shows, in some cases making it up as you go along, in the hope that you will win the argument.

You believe that sex on television is only dangerous if you fall off!

People like you a lot – but they wouldn”t want to see you working with sub-atomic particles.

You never waste time because you”re always wasted!

Your partner and friends are pissed off at your continual references to each episode and none of them watch the show as a result. This really upsets you – after all, how can any serious friend NOT have seen Tripping the Rift?

Smiling is the second best thing you do with your lips.

Sad Geezers are terrific lovers.

You are modest.

A Tripping the Rift SadGeezer partner does not watch the show, is not interested in it, and even attempts to wind you up about it. Nevertheless, he/she will always be yours because you are so good in bed.

You are obviously attractive to members of the opposite sex who continually hound you with offers of friendship and love. You dismiss these because you always have a partner and because you are an all round ”good person”, after all, why should you spread it around when you can lay it on thick?

You once said “no” to drugs, but they just wouldn”t listen!

You are a social animal, everyone likes you and, although you enjoy talking about Tripping the Rift to people who don”t want to listen, this is seen as a quirky and entertaining characteristic of your personality.

For reasons that you are not quite able to fathom, children get on with you better than you get on with them.

It should be pointed out that these conclusions
should only be taken seriously if they are correct!

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Tripping the Rift purity test and profiles are © 2002-2019 Tony Fawl and Ryan Bechtel. Not for reproduction without the authors express permission

Tripping the Rift names, pictures, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of Chris Moeller, Chuck Austen and Dark Bunny Productions, and the Sci Fi Channel.

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